
It’s so good to see the blossoms of spring emerging.

Apologies for the radio silence over the last few weeks … along with the blooms and petals emerging comes a seasonal surge of architecture work. I have always wondered if its related to the spring cleaning fever of wanting to get ones house in order (I know last weekend I uncharacteristically organised my linen cupboard….my goodness I even ordered some natural old fashioned blueing powder to try to get my sheets back to whiter than white…. will let you know how that goes!).

So its been an enjoyable focused few weeks helping some lovely families bring new life to their homes, of measuring, sketching, modelling and presenting, of watching the season unfold in the garden between meetings. Also a slow and gradual realisation that there are several diy projects around our own house that could do with a fresh injection of energy…..there’s nothing quite like spring to get things moving!
